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MATLAB Neuropixel Utilites

Neuropixel Utils is a toolkit written in Matlab for manipulating datasets collected by SpikeGLX (e.g. imec.ap.bin files) and the results produced by Kilosort / Kilosort 2. Please note that some of this functionality is redundant with the tools found in the Cortex Lab’s spikes repository, authored By Nick Steinmetz, Mush Okun, and others. Here, we prioritize an organized, easy to use, object-oriented approach to accessing, manipulating, and visualizing the data. This reduces the need to worry about metadata.

Neuropixel Utils facilitates the following data processing steps:

Neuropixel Utils was authored by Daniel J O’Shea (@djoshea) to facilitate precision artifact removal and careful inspection of raw data traces before running Kilosort, as well as post-hoc verification that the artifacts were removed successfully.

Download and install

To get started, clone the repo:

git clone

And add it to your path in Matlab:

>> addpath('/path/to/neuropixel-utils')

Example walkthrough

% Create an ImecDataset pointing at a specific
>> channelMapFile = 'neuropixPhase3A_kilosortChanMap.mat';
>> imec = npxutils.ImecDataset('/data/raw_datasets/neuropixel_01.imec.ap.bin', 'channelMap', channelMapFile);

ImecDataset with properties:

             pathRoot: '/data/raw_datasets'
             fileStem: 'neuropixel_01'
         creationTime: 7.3722e+05
            nChannels: 385
           fileTypeAP: 'ap'
           nSamplesAP: 112412208
           nSamplesLF: 0
                 fsAP: 30000
                 fsLF: NaN
     highPassFilterHz: 300
               apGain: 500
              apRange: [-0.6000 0.6000]
               lfGain: 250
              lfRange: [-0.6000 0.6000]
              adcBits: 10
           channelMap: [1×1 npxutils.ChannelMap]
     syncChannelIndex: 385
         syncInAPFile: 1
          badChannels: [3×1 double]
         syncBitNames: [16×1 string]
              syncRaw: []
       bytesPerSample: 2
                hasAP: 0
                hasLF: 0
       channelMapFile: '~/npl/neuropixel-utils/map_files/neuropixPhase3A_kilosortChanMap.mat'
       mappedChannels: [384×1 double]
      nChannelsMapped: 384
    connectedChannels: [374×1 double]
   nChannelsConnected: 374
         goodChannels: [371×1 double]
        nGoodChannels: 371
           channelIdx: [384×1 double]
         channelNames: [385×1 string]
   channelNamesPadded: [385×1 string]
            nSyncBits: 16
        syncBitsNamed: [0×1 double]
      creationTimeStr: '08-Jun-2018 12:09:07'
          apScaleToUv: 2.3438
          lfScaleToUv: 2.3438

% Mark individual channels as bad based on RMS voltage
>> rmsBadChannels = imec.markBadChannelsByRMS('rmsRange', [3 100]);

% Specify names for the individual bits in the sync channel
>> imec.setSyncBitNames([1 2 3], {'trialInfo', 'trialStart', 'stim'});

% Save the bad channels and Sync bit names to the .imec.ap.meta file so they are loaded next time
>> imec.writeModifiedAPMeta();

% Perform common average referencing on the file and save the results to a new location
>> cleanedPath = '/data/cleaned_datasets/neuropixel_01.imec.ap.bin';
>> extraMeta = struct();
>> extraMeta.commonAverageReferenced = true;
>> fnList = {@npxutils.dataprocess.commonAverageReference};
>> imec = imec.saveTransformedDataset(cleanedPath, 'transformAP', fnList, 'extraMeta', extraMeta);

% Sym link the cleaned dataset into a separate directory for Kilosort2
>> ksPath = '/data/kilosort/neuropixel_01.imec.ap.bin';
>> imec = imec.symLinkAPIntoDirectory(ksPath);

% Inspect the raw IMEC traces
>> imec.inspectAP_timeWindow([200 201]); % 200-201 seconds into the recording

Zoomed in view of data inspection figure. Black are good channels, blue are reference channels. Channels marked bad would be shown in red.


% Run Kilosort2
>> npxutils.runKilosort2(imec);

% Load the Kilosort2 results
>> ks = npxutils.KilosortDataset();
>> ks.load()

KilosortDataset with properties:

                  path: '/data/kilosort/neuropixel_01'
           raw_dataset: [1×1 npxutils.ImecDataset]
            channelMap: [1×1 npxutils.ChannelMap]
                  fsAP: 30000
           apScaleToUv: 2.3438
                  meta: [1×1 struct]
              pathLeaf: 'neuropixel_01'
              isLoaded: 1
         hasRawDataset: 1
               nSpikes: 8181228
       nChannelsSorted: 371
             nClusters: 592
            nTemplates: 653
           nPCFeatures: 32
   nFeaturesPerChannel: 3
             nChannels: 371
          syncBitNames: [16×1 string]
              dat_path: 'neuropixel_01.imec.ap.bin'
        n_channels_dat: 385
                 dtype: 'int16'
                offset: 0
           sample_rate: 30000
           hp_filtered: 0
            amplitudes: [8181228×1 double]
           channel_ids: [371×1 uint32]
     channel_positions: [371×2 double]
           pc_features: [8181228×3×32 single]
        pc_feature_ind: [653×32 uint32]
     similar_templates: [653×653 single]
       spike_templates: [8181228×1 uint32]
           spike_times: [8181228×1 uint64]
     template_features: [8181228×32 single]
  template_feature_ind: [653×32 uint32]
             templates: [653×82×371 single]
         templates_ind: [653×371 double]
         whitening_mat: [371×371 double]
     whitening_mat_inv: [371×371 double]
        spike_clusters: [8181228×1 uint32]
        cluster_groups: [592×1 categorical]
           cluster_ids: [592×1 uint32]
         clusters_good: [210×1 uint32]
          clusters_mua: [58×1 uint32]
        clusters_noise: [322×1 uint32]
     clusters_unsorted: [2×1 uint32]

% Define how the data are segmented into trials (you implement this)
>> tsi = computeTrialSegmentation(imec)

  TrialSegmentationInfo with properties:

             fs: 30000
        trialId: [1072×1 uint32]
    conditionId: [1072×1 uint32]
       idxStart: [1072×1 uint64]
        idxStop: [1072×1 uint64]

% Segment the KilosortDataset into trials based on start and stop idx
% trial_ids are specified according to the data structure being merged into.
% If a trial is included in trial_ids but not found in tsi,
% its contents would be blank and trial_has_data(i) would be set false.
% Each of seg's properties are now nTrials x ... cells containing the data
% corresponding to that trial
>> trial_ids = min(tsi.trialId):max(tsi.trialId);
>> seg = npxutils.KilosortTrialSegmentedDataset(ks, tsi, trial_ids)

KilosortTrialSegmentedDataset with properties:

                   dataset: [1×1 npxutils.KilosortDataset]
                 trial_ids: [1072×1 uint32]
            trial_has_data: [1072×1 logical]
               trial_start: [1072×1 uint64]
                trial_stop: [1072×1 uint64]
                 spike_idx: {1072×592 cell}
               cluster_ids: [592×1 uint32]
            cluster_groups: [592×1 categorical]
                      sync: {1072×1 cell}
              syncBitNames: [16×1 string]
               raw_dataset: [1×1 npxutils.ImecDataset]
                   nTrials: 1072
           nTrialsHaveData: 1072
                 nClusters: 592
                 nChannels: 385
         trial_duration_ms: [1072×1 double]
                      fsAP: 30000
                amplitudes: {1072×592 cell}
               pc_features: {1072×592 cell}
               spike_times: {1072×592 cell}
  spike_times_ms_rel_start: {1072×592 cell}
         template_features: {1072×592 cell}
           spike_templates: {1072×592 cell}

% Compute useful stats about each template and cluster
>> metrics = ks.getMetrics()

KilosortMetrics with properties:

                         ks: [1×1 npxutils.KilosortDataset]
                         fs: 30000
                 channelMap: [1×1 npxutils.ChannelMap]
                channel_ids: [371×1 uint32]
         concatenatedStarts: 1
          concatenatedNames: {'neuropixel_01'}
               template_unw: [653×82×371 single]
            template_scaled: [653×82×371 single]
      template_centerOfMass: [653×2 single]
      template_is_localized: [653×1 logical]
          template_waveform: [653×82 single]
       template_waveform_ch: [653×1 uint32]
         template_amplitude: [653×1 single]
               template_ttp: [653×1 single]
     template_best_channels: [653×371 uint32]
                spike_times: [8181228×1 uint64]
            spike_amplitude: [8181228×1 single]
         spike_centerOfMass: [8181228×2 single]
            spike_templates: [8181228×1 uint32]
             spike_clusters: [8181228×1 uint32]
                cluster_ids: [592×1 uint32]
  cluster_template_mostUsed: [592×1 uint32]
      cluster_template_list: {592×1 cell}
  cluster_template_useCount: [592×653 uint64]
      cluster_num_templates: [592×1 uint32]
      cluster_best_channels: [592×371 uint32]
       cluster_centerOfMass: [592×2 single]
       cluster_is_localized: [592×1 logical]
           cluster_waveform: [592×82×11 single]
        cluster_waveform_ch: [592×592 uint32]
          cluster_amplitude: [592×1 single]
                cluster_ttp: [592×1 single]
                spike_depth: [8181228×1 single]
         spike_is_localized: [8181228×1 logical]
             cluster_depth: [592×1 single]

% Plot a drift map, annotated with trial start markers
>> metrics.plotDriftmap('tsi', tsi);


Note that the cluster structure looks distinct during a few time windows near the beginning and end of the recording, corresponding to regions when no trials were being performed (blue ticks near the bottom).

% Extract raw waveforms for a specific cluster id at the 24 largest amplitude channels
% Clean these waveforms by subtracting the contribution of other clusters spiking within the same time window
>> ss = ks.getWaveformsFromRawData('cluster_id', 255, 'num_waveforms', 100, 'best_n_channels', 24,  'subtractOtherClusters', true)

SnippetSet with properties:

                    data: [24×82×100 int16]
             cluster_idx: [100×1 uint32]
  channel_idx_by_cluster: [24×1 uint32]
      unique_cluster_idx: 255
             sample_idx: [100×1 uint64]
               trial_idx: [0×1 uint32]
                  window: [-40 41]
                   valid: [100×1 logical]
             channelMap: [1×1 npxutils.ChannelMap]
               scaleToUv: 2.3438
                      fs: 30000
               nChannels: 24
             nTimepoints: 82
               nSnippets: 100
               nClusters: 1
             data_valid: [24×82×100 int16]
                 time_ms: [1×82 double]

% Plot these waveforms at their physical coordinates on the neuropixel
>> ss.plotAtProbeLocations()
